Misją Fundacji jest wyrównywanie szans osób i grup defaworyzowanych, tworzenie podłoża dla rozwoju rodzin, wspierania w rolach społecznych i zawodowych oraz działania na rzecz rozwoju podmiotów ekonomii społecznych.
Description of the object of the contract: Execution adaptation utility accomodations number 5 and 27 at Noniewicza 91 street, the construction works listed in the estimate of 20 May 2014. Prior to submitting an offer is recommended local vision for the site and verify the expected cost. Application form can be filled by hand or computer
The term of the contract: June-July 2014.
Payment: after completion of work and acceptance by the Customer, and the delivery of invoice.
Selection criterion: gross price for the whole service.
Bid form: completed and signed by the authorized person bid form must be submitted in a sealed envelope, in person or by mail to the office of the Foundation EGO, Noniewicza 91 street, 16-400 Suwalki or fax. 875667997 within 20.06.2014r. For more information contact Mr. Andrew Sowul – 793406433.